A glimpse of the future

Sienna tales give you futuristic insight on how things pan out for us in 2030. How smart can our appliances get? How will our health be taken care of? What will crime look like? Read on to find out the answers…


Speculative fiction

My preferred scenario for 2030

Episode 1: Saved by CASPR

In the first episode find out about Sienna, her family and that stranger she met at the bar last night. So how does the generation of tomorrow deal with the times. And how the youth remains, well, the youth!

“Good morning Sienna. You were sleeping soundly and since you didn’t have anything planned for today, I didn’t wake you. I can sense you are in pain. I think it’s a hangover since you were pretty buzzed last night. Can I help you with that?”

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Episode 3: A Date with Crime

Sienna meets Sidharth, and finds out about his illegal past. Inventions on the confluence of Biotech, Genomics, Visual and Performing arts, and a bit of old fashioned hacking abound in this episode of Sienna’s travels in the landscape of the future…

She turned around with one eyebrow raised. She was walking backwards and bumped into his bike. The bike absorbed the impact with an air cushion and stabilized her, giving a wink with her headlamps which only Sid could see.

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Episode 5: Ashes to Gases, Dust to Gust

In a world where humans can turn to gasses at the flip of a button and where invisibility cloaks exist, Sienna tries to find the truth about her father. Falling in love with a con man, getting deep into the underground of the future, and coming to a shaky truce with Dadu on the way.

Well, it means that your dad is still alive. Meta materials can make you invisible to cameras and people. I use a meta-cloak to cloak my bike sometimes when its parked near the prison.

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Episode 2: Mirror Mirror on the Wall

The changing face of retail with 3D printing as the primary method of manufacturing. Be it fashion or medicine, its the only truly personalized method of delivery. How mixed reality has brought art closer to medicine than ever.

“Didi, you’ve always been a rockstar, but this is super awesome. I have friends who have autistic kids across the spectrum who cannot afford the corrective therapy. I’ll recommend this to them. Wow!!”

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Episode 4: The Diary Speaks

Sienna finds out the roots of her healing patterns. Does Genetic Treatment have side effects? Also economic realities and the constant struggle of the human race as it continues in the future!

The treatment he received was created for burn out syndrome. The kind stressed people get. He went from frantically painting to not even getting out of bed. He immediately tried to stop the effects of the treatment but the damage was done. It had already worked on his system and rewritten his genetic make up.

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Episode 6: The Virtual Underground

Sienna journeys to the virtual underground following her dad’s trail. Lets invert the game experience for a second, what is it like being stuck inside? How do you celebrate birthday’s with loved ones, for instance?

Abhishek was crying and Namitha kept saying sorry. Sienna was touching Namithas face and looking wondrously at her. Just then Sid said hi and reminded her that her virtual deadline is up and they will be pulled back according to her instructions.

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Back Casting

The Sienna Framework for Data storage & monetization

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Sienna’s Charter – Who’s Data Sovereign? It can only be me!

What can we do to ensure that the data I produce is being used ethically and to my advantage? A detailed comprehensive policy that breaks down my data into optimized parts like Medical, Professional, Financial, Buying behavior, Consumption behavior, Location tracking, Social graph & relationships etc and comes up with grouped rules and access rights should be able to handle this. I’m calling this ‘The Sienna Framework’ because its the basis on which a brand new future is visualized in Sienna Tales

Usability Study – Is 5 Enough?

When design is agile & user centered and video is your friend, you can find your biggest flaws quickly with even 5 users. 

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Decoding Transparency in Medicine – For Users & Health Insurance Providers in India

What does transparency in healthcare entail?

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Data Driven Design – Part II – Personas as Data Collection Tools

Personas are people. Data comes from people. Whatever data it may be. You may look at data about readership, usage, drop-out rate, heat maps, contextual studies or search terms analysis. Its when you start to visualize usage patterns as belonging to personalities that you can create & use personas.

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The State of News Today – People buy value, and not echoes.

News is no longer the 20 minutes of zen we spend with our morning cuppa or the 8 o clock bulletin that we make sure we watch just in case we miss something. From linear news to this constantly flowing stream that reaches us on our digital devices. It follows you to work, on your commute, in your drawing room, on the pot, during your kids’ homework. 

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Who am I?
A mother first and foremost
A Dreamer and a Doer
A Design Mentor & Teacher
Touching the Mining industry where Design led thinking can transform the way we work. I trained IIT-ISM professors and the stalwarts of the mining industry in Design Thinking.
Speaking to students at colleges and universities on how design will touch lives in the future and what we have in store for us.
A Sustainability Warrior